Friday, December 21, 2012

Estilo Womens flip flop by Dupé

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Developing a habit for exercise is crucial if you want to get sustainable results

Here is a 5 step guide:

1. Take it Easy

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is over committing too early. This is not the time to push yourself or to embark on long grueling workouts. These workouts are not sustainable and you ultimately end up either injured or giving up. Spend the first 4 weeks just forming a habit. Start with 5 - 10 minutes and add a little more each week. Don't worry about the results at this stage just build up that habit of exercise.

2. Make it Enjoyable

Find something that is fun for you. Walking, cycling to work, walking, yoga etc. Again don't worry about results for the first month just get out there and do something to get you moving and to build a habit.

3. Make an Appointment

Every day or every other day make an appointment with yourself, preferably at the same time. This is time for you to exercise, it goes in the diary and nothing gets in its way. You could schedule your appointment first thing in the morning, then it's done for the day, during lunchtime, or straight after work. Whatever you choose, add it to your diary and never double book, this is a special time for you and your habit forming workout.

4. Be Consistent

Building habits is all about consistency so you must NEVER miss a workout. If for some remote chance you do miss a workout then don't freak out just get the workout done as soon as you can. Being consistent is the foundation of forming your new habit so make sure you do something even if it's not your complete workout.

5. Tell Everyone

Accountability is vital for building a habit, so tell everyone! Tell friends and loved ones about what you are doing, keep a log of your workouts, post your workouts on a forum,
get a training partner to keep you going, let it be known what you are doing. Accountability is a key part of the habit forming process.

After you have completed your month of workouts you will have formed a basic exercise habit. Now you can spend the second month challenging yourself on the intensity.